We aim to provide inspiring and practical training to support Health and Safety Representatives to contribute effectively to improving health and safety in their workplaces.
Our course is designed to allow participants to work on health and safety issues from their own workplaces during training, and return to their workplaces with practical strategies for resolving them.”
We provide an IT device for each participant so work health and safety information can be accessed on the web during the training. Participants are welcome to bring their own laptop or other IT device as we have a secure internet connection available.
This course will cover the following subjects.
- Common and statute WHS laws
- The role of safety representatives and safety committees
- Risk identification, assessment, control and monitoring
- Workplace inspections and incident investigation
- Consultation, communication and issue resolution
- Conditions for issuing Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs) and cease-work directions
Cost of Introductory course is $960 plus GST.